The Akashic Records contain every thought, emotion, action, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space. Your personal Akashic Records contain every piece of information regarding your soul’s experience. In the Records, you can learn about your relationships, your health, your soul path, and every other conceivable topic regarding you! You can also use this session for past lives and soul relationship exploration. I speak directly to your Masters, Teachers and Loved ones during this reading, they are the ones who are giving the guidance. The Akashic Records reading runs on the written and spoken word. This is a direct conversation with spirit and your record. There are no cards or other oracle tools involved. This reading can be done in person or distantly though emailed questions.
Akashic Records reading is question based. You may create your own questions for your reading. I suggest you come to the reading with a list of things you want to ask and specific questions. The best questions that provide us with the most detailed guidance are not yes or no questions. Questions regarding you can be looked into or the purpose you have with other souls (people). We cannot open anyone’s else’s records so we are not able to look into others personal info, only how aspects of their life relate to you personally. Because time is viewed differently in the records, and when things will happen in the future is often related to freewill, We are not to ask 'when' something will happen, we can, however, get a feel for how far away something is, and can get past life time period info, but typically no dates.
This is a record of you on Earth, so if you have spent time elsewhere that info isn’t always accessible here. It is also possible to look into the Akashic Record of a place (home etc) if it belongs to you. We can for example check the reocrds of a home or piece of land that you own. Everything on earth (people places, animals..) has an akashic record or is in the process of writing one, if it is new to Earth.
Question Ideas listed below
You are welcome to create all your own unique questions as well.
All in person Records Readings are $100 per hour.
Emailed Readings are $10 plus $10 per question (3 question minimum)