Rose Cottage healinG
Elements & Earth Symbols
Fire- power, passion, action, sexuality, creativity, authority, consumption, the untamed, anger, assertiveness. Transformation. Upward pointing triangle is a symbol of fire. The direction of the south and the season of summer. Salamander Faries.
Water: Water is a universal symbol of change and is often present at turning points in a story. Since water is often a sign of life, many times water represents life. The direction of the west and the season of autumn. Downward triangle is a symbol of water. Undines Faries.
Air- The breath of life. The lungs, a reminder to return to your breath to be in the present moment. Air symbolizes communication, intelligence, perception, knowledge, learning, thinking, imagination, creativity. This element can represent the winds of change. Air is associated with the Spring season and its corresponding direction is East. Symbol is a upward triangle with a bisecting horizontal line. Sylph Faries.
Earth- symbolize's the physical sensation of growth. A symbol of grounding if you receive this symbol to remind you to reconnect with the Earth. Soil. It can symbolize prosperity, fertility, stability, orderliness, grounded-ness, sustenance, creativity, physical abundance, nourishment, solidity, dependability, security, permanence, intuition, introspection and wisdom.Symbol is a downward pointing triangle with a bisecting horizontal line. The direction of the north and the season of winter. Gnome Elementals.
Fifth Element- Spirit, life force.
The Sun: Life, Power, Strength, Energy, Force, Clarity, Self. In Christianity is the symbol of Christ.
The Moon- is a feminine symbol, universally representing the rhythm of time as it embodies the cycle. The phases of the moon symbolize immortality and eternity.
*Full Moon- Symbolic of the height of power, the peak of clarity, fullness and obtainment of desire
River- is a sign of ease, grace and fluidity as expressed by its meandering form. Often times it is used to represent the calm beauty of nature. Certain types of rivers are often described as auspicious and healthy. A fast-flowing river can often be used to symbolize strength, power. A slow-flowing river can often be used to symbolize weakness, or sometimes being steady and calm. The river is also a symbol of something that will last forever, and will never stop.
Plains- teach us how to adapt in extreme conditions and how to find balance when opposition rises in life. The winds of change could be approaching bringing in new opportunity for abundance.
Meadow & Fields- Abundance, a place of gentle growth. The message from this symbol is to let things grow, awaken and nourish your life. A time of renewal in your life.
Mountains- Are a symbol of overcoming obstacles. The mountains are also connected to spirit. Maybe encouraging you to reconnect with mother earth and in doing so allowing yourself to regain your own spiritual power.
The Ocean- It is a is power and strength, dominating all other symbols of water--due to its immensity. All life was ocean-born and life still exists in the ocean therefore the ocean represents life. Also, the ocean represents mystery. The ocean is known for being unpredictable and uncontrollable, hard to navigate in time of storm and sometimes known for being beautifully calm. No matter how you look at it the ocean is a metaphor for life.
Marshlands and Wetlands- emotions are at work, a necessary step in the process. A time to process things, a time of healing and transformation, Things are often broken down and decomposed here, this is a metaphoric symbol of a life process.
Valley- protection and safety. We leave the Valley to go out into the world and enrich our understanding of life then we return home with our findings to try to integrate what we have learned.
Rainbow- Rainbow's bring the promise of a new beginning. One that speaks directly to your heart & soul. The troubles of today will surly come to pass. A sign of new prosperity to come. Since the time of Noah’s ark rainbows have been a symbol of god’s promise. Protection and love come with this symbol. It signifies that your concerns are being taken care of by god and the angels. Not just in the sky, look all around there is one waiting for you.
Lightning-Intuition, spark of inspiration and insight, the loss of ignorance, ideas.
*Wisdom from the Trees*
Tree: A tree is a symbol of antiquity and an immense and enduring strength. A general symbolic meaning of a tree can be interpreted as protection. A widespread meaning of the tree is the tree of life. Getting a tree symbol can mean a recovery from illness, wishes fulfilled, good fortune, shelter and security blessing of nature and family.
Apple Tree Message - give of your bounty. Share the joy, and create happiness and vitality.
Ash Tree Message- even in the most difficult of times keep your roots strong. There is connection in all things even if you cannot see it.
Bamboo Message- Bend with the wind.
Beech Tree Message- The knowledge of the ancient lives though you. You can tap into this knowledge
Bonsai tree Message - to live a long, happy and peaceful life requires harmony.
Cactus Message- No matter how harsh the condition you have everything you need inside you to live and grow.
Cedar Tree Message- We are all made of spiritual energy. You can call in the spiritual protection of your ancestors. And when you do the Spiritual protection around you is potent.
Cherry Tree Message- Release that which is preventing your growth. We can be born and born again,
Cypress Tree Message- We give to those we love because we love them.
Elm Tree Message- Trust your inner voice. Be kind to yourself and to others.
Maple Tree Message- We all contain male and female energies, find and restore this balance within yourself,
Oak Tree Message- Strength isn't always about being 'strong'. Each of us is capable of great growth though the gaining if wisdom and the ability to persevere.
Pine Tree Message- With a clear mind and heart the best decisions are made. The balance between the mind and a heart is a key to peaceful longevity. Open your arms and with love and kindness to all.
Palm Tree Message -Learn from the past and create peace in the present.
Poplar Tree Message- Give the ones you love the room to grow. Life is full of possibility and second chances. We are always given both our purpose and the means to make it happen.
Redwood Tree Message- You have the protection and wisdom of all your ancestors. You have your vision, now pursue it. Even after long periods of no growth, great growth can happen all at one.
Spruce Tree Message- You know what is good for your body and what is not even if you have been led astray. If you have experienced illness take a deep look into the lesson it intended to teach you.
Sycamore Tree Message- Your ability to manifest is powerful. Use all the gifts you have been given, and find new ways to create with them.
Walnut Tree Message- You cannot incubate forever, you also cannot stay the same. Life transitions are necessary and can greatly benefit us if we allow the change to occur with grace.
Willow Tree- Trust your inner most feelings and sight. Let your emotions flow and go with the breeze.
Flower Symbol Meanings
Aloe plant- Aloe has been associated with a certain somewhat mysterious symbolism associated with its extraordinary powers to heal. The plant has a very distinctive symbolic association with embalming, enduring life, immortality and the boundary between life and death. The aloe plant has a keen ability to survive where other plants cannot.
Acorn- Symbolize's potential and strength and fertility. Fern Plant- symbolize sincerity towards others. It can also be a symbol of magic, fascination, confidence, shelter, discretion, reverie and a secret bond of love. Bamboo- When the storm comes, the bamboo bends with the wind. When the storm ceases, it resumes its upright position. Its ability to cope with adversity and still stand firmly without losing its original ground is inspirational to a nation which has constantly suffered calamities The young branches at the top of the bamboo trunk will not grow at the same angle as the older branches below, in order to allow sunlight for their elders. When the young shoots emerge from the roots, they are under the shade of the older bamboo branches. Such a spirit reflects the young respecting the old as well as the old protecting the young. You might consider adding a bamboo plant in your home or offce. Sage- Great respect, Wisdom. Symbol of spirit and it reminds us that spiritual beings are all around us.
Apple Blossom- Good fortune and better things to come. They can transform your mood and are a symbol of your hearts desire.
Baby's Breath-Purity of heart. A symbol of a more innocent time in our lives.
Bird of Paradise-It encourages us to find our personal paradise.
Black Eyed Susan- A symbol for fun and happiness allow your heart to be full of smiles.
Bleeding Heart- Wearing your heart on your sleeve and pouring your heart out for all to see. The center of the flower is deep pink and it bleeds out white which is your inner most feelings. This flower represents the Heart Chakra.
Buttercup- Riches, Childishness. Embrace your inner child. And allow your soul to enjoy the riches of this new freedom.
Carnation -Aching heart. Admiration. A symbol of a mothers love.
Cherry Blossom- Romance is in the air. A symbol of new beginnings and abundance.
Chrysanthemum-Joy, Optimism, Perfection. Reminds you to be in the moment. Associated with the heart Chakra and symbolizes the opening of the heart.
Daffodil-Symbolizes a new beginning and leaving the past behind. The enjoyment of just being alive. It is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings and eternal life. It also symbolizes unrequited love.
Dahlia-Elegance and Dignity. Hold on strong to your values.
Daisy-Beauty, Innocence. Overflowing with happiness. Enjoy the simple things that life has to offer.HE loves me he loves me not.. a symbol to know how another feels.
Dandelion-Love's oracle, Happiness, Faithfulness. Teaches us that beauty is not just on the outside but true beauty is held within.
Forget-Me-Not- As its name suggests - Forget me not, Memories, True love
Freesia- Trust. Go where your inner guidance leads you.
Honeysuckle- Bond of love. A symbol of your first love. The saying,"If you love something let it go, if it returns to you is meant to be if not then it never was.."
Hyacinth symbolize's playfulness and asporty attitude and in its extreme rashness. Hyacinths also denote constancy.
*Blue hyacinth stands for constancy,
*purple for sorrow,
*red or pink for play,
*white for loveliness and yellow for jealousy
Hydrangea- You control your destiny and how you respond to with winds of change. Symbolizes heartfelt emotions. It can be used to express gratitude for being understood.
Iris-Wisdom and Valor, Faith, Promise in love, Hope. Being captivated with timeless eloquence, and grace.
*Purple iris is symbolic of wisdom and compliments. *Blue iris symbolize's faith and hope.
*Yellow iris symbolize's passion
*white iris symbolize's purity.
Ivy-Affection, Friendship, Fidelity, united love
Lavender-Devotion, Love
Lily-Purity of heart, Majesty and Honor.
Water Lily is a symbol of peace & purity & spiritual enlightenment.
Lily of the Valley- has the flower meaning of humility, chastity, sweetness, purity and is said to bring luck in love. It also means "the return of happiness" which is the reason why it is often used as decorations in weddings. Lily of the Valley usually bloom in the month of May. This May flower is also known as the May lily. Lilies of the valley appear in several Christian Bible stories. It is said that lilies of the valley grew from the spot where Mary's tears hit the ground at the foot of the cross. This flower is a symbol of a mothers love. They are often brought by Archangel Gabriel .
Lilac- Pride, Beauty. A quieter time in your life. May be encouraging you to slow down let things blossom slowly. Symbolize's youthful innocence and confidence.
*White lilac symbolize's humility and innocence, *field lilac symbolize's charity
* purple lilac symbolize's first love.
Lotus-Forgetful of the past. Enlightenment. This flower is symbolic of purity of the body, speech, and mind as while rooted in the mud, its flowers blossom on long stalks as if floating above the muddy waters of attachment and desire. It is also symbolic of detachment as drops of water easily slide off its petals.
Marigold- Connects us to the earth and allows us to know our own power. Also reminds us what we are capable of and helps us to reach our desires.
Morning Glory-I attach myself to you, Affection, unrequited love
Orange Blossom- A symbol of positive and negative emotional energy. The flowers fragrance can help bring to the surface a clarity of emotion. Release your fears, this may mean fears in your subconscious.
Pinecone- Enlightenment
Peppermint-Warmth of feeling, Cordiality. Consider aroma therapy or peppermint teas.
Poinsettia- isn’t really a flower, it is the leaves of a plant which have changed color. Also known as the Christmas Star and Christmas Flower, it’s said that this winter flower’s association with Christmas comes from a Mexican legend. The story goes that a child, with no means for a grander gift, gathered humble weeds from the side of the road to place at the church alter on Christmas Eve. As the congregation witnessed a Christmas miracle, the weeds turned into brilliant red and green flowers. If you nurture and care for this plant it can grow into a tall tree. There is a lot of mystery to this plant. Symbolically, this reminds us to never overlook the magic in life - even when it seems insignificant. It's also a reminder to take care of life - you never know what a little love can produce!
Poppy -A symbol of fertility and eternal life. The flower is associated with eternal sleep and may be asking you to get more rest. Petunia-Your presence soothes me. Can also represent anger and resentment.
Pansy-Merriment, Thoughtful reflection. A symbol of the fairies. Magic is all around you have an open heart and mind so see and feel it.
Peony- A symbol of good fortune and prosperity.Also symbolizes bashfulness and compassion.. It symbolizes a happy life, happy marriage, good health.
Queen Annes Lace- Angels are with you supporting you. Chase your dreams, they will follow.
Rose- The rose holds the highest vibrational energy of all the flowers. The rose is also a symbol of Mother Mary and St. Theresa. The color is important to it symbolism as well. Check for the color below.. Roses are often given during reading from loved ones in spirit so is a sign of love from beyond. A symbol of heaven and love.
*Red Rose-"I Love You."
*White Rose- White roses are traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings, but their quiet beauty has also made them a gesture of remembrance. When the occasion calls for reverence, whether stately or somber, a bouquet of white rose is a perfect way to say, “I’m thinking of you.” A symbol of purity and pure love. Also a symbol of the Mother Mary.
*Yellow Rose- Modern times have this rose representing friendship, Joy, Delight and the promise of a new beginning. It is a symbol of true friendship. Are also a sign of second chances.
*Peach Rose -The meaning of peach roses are not very clear. They can mean gratitude, but at the same time sympathy. Modesty is another characteristic of this particular rose because of the natural gentleness. Often, the peach rose is given as a symbol of closure.
*Orange Rose- They are blazing with energy, orange roses are the wild child of the rose family. Whatever feelings you have they are bubbling over with—enthusiasm, passion, gratitude..
*Blue Rose- A symbol of great mystery. This rose symbolizes a true desire that can't be obtained. This rose is like a mystery that cannot be solved.
*Blue roses cannot be grown without being colored by the grower.
*Coral Rose- These roses can mean you have great passion for something. It can also be a symbol of excitement and desire. These are the roses of good luck.
*Pink Rose- Grace and Sweetness, Perfect happiness. It’s said that darker pink roses are symbolic of gratitude and appreciation, while lighter pinks are associated with gentleness and admiration.
*Dark Pink Rose-Gratitude.
*Cream Rose-This rose is associated with charm, thoughtfulness and gracefulness. without the feelings of romance.
*Cream-colored roses also represent richness and perfection.
*Purple Rose- Love at first sight. Enchantment, majesty.
*Rosebud -Anticipation
Sunflower-The sunflower stretches and bends to follow the pat of the sun. The symbol is encouraging you to bathe in the energy of the sun, it brings you wellness and hope. A blessing of nourishment.
Sweet Pea- Tender and sweet a stong symbol of femininity. The flower is sensual and innocent in flirtation. It is a flower symbolic of departure after having a good time.
Thistle- tells us to keep a sense of pride and to protect ourselves against criticisms from others. It asks: Are we too defensive?. Are we exposed to constant complaining and criticism? Are we doing everything we can to help ourselves? Do we need to clean up some aspect of our life? Thistle tells us to maintain pride in who we are and not be afraid to defend ourselves.
Tulip (General also look for color meaning)- The tulip says "love me and I will love only you". Love at first sight and taking a chance on love. Keep cheerful thoughts. Stay grounded and trust yourself. This flower can awaken trust in onces self and to deal with situations with more discernment. *Orange=energy & desire, *Pink=happiness Yellow= cheerful thoughts *Red=Love *Purple= loyality & romance *Violet- You are worthy of love, praise and affection. You are charming people love and adore you.