Pets are empaths, they absorb much of the energy belonging their owners and home environment, Our pets are willing to do this for us, according to the Angels this is a large part of the purpose of the pets, its to be of service to us in empathic ways and helping elevate are emotional stress and teach us at the same time. Our little loves take on so much that they can themselves become sick. Energetic healing can help them release much of this. Have you ever noticed that you pet suffered an illness when you did, something happens to you can your pet also experiences something similar, or is under stress themselves. Or the cat seems to throw up after an argument takes place in the home.. they feel it too. We often only need to look at our pet to see that we too need in outlives. Getting a healing for you pet not only helps them but in turn by your connection with them also helps you.
Animals respond really well to energetic healing. They are all sensory and can really enjoy these types of healings. If you have me work on your pet it can be done distantly or in person if possible. They can receive the same type of IET healing that I do for humans and with angel messages as well. In some cases, if necessary, I also use Akashic Records and Shamanic Healing for pet healings and readings.
Pet Readings (Animal Communication)
A pet reading is beneficial to learn what you pet is feeling or needing. This can help you understand what it needed to keep your pet happy and healthy. A reading can answer health questions about health, food, environment etc... Any questions you have regarding your pet can be looked into. We can also communicate with an animal that has passed.